2022 Success

We think this graphic is so good it’s worth sharing again here in February 2023. Since we first posted this, we’ve had our team planning day…if we pull off all that we have planned for this year, this little square box will not be big enough! 

Did you know that you can purchase Bec’s Neurodiversity Affirming Parenting Webinar from our website? We had such brilliant feedback from the in person session that we thought we could offer it in an ongoing platform, from the comfort of your own couch, anytime and you can sit down and watch with the Grandparents & extended family that may still be stuck in the old ways of understanding your neurodiverse child. 

We have limited availability for our school teacher workshops, these are designed to be delivered in four one hour sessions over a term. 

We will start advertising our upcoming groups on offer, so do sign up for our newsletter!

Myf Murphy